For what i'm thinking of... what i'm doing... and what's inspire me... and this is how i see the world!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Harini dalam Sejarah....

Hari ni dalam sejarah....

Aku berpeluang pergi ke rumah kediaman kedutaan US di Jalan Langgak Golf.... Atas urusan perbincangan untuk dekorasi majlis koktail minggu depan. Berjumpa dengan Puan Jones, isteri kepada duta US ke Malaysia....

Dalamnya semua skim putih.... mcm dalam White House pulak... Aku suka...

Hari ini dalam Sejarah aku...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu Untuk Rakyat Asal

Beginilah lebih kurang skrol yang terdapat 'Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu Kepada Rakyat' yang telah menarik perhatian aku dipenghujung pameran 'PAMERAN KESULTANAN PERAK' di Galeri Petronas tempoh hari....

Dari sedikit research yang aku buat, Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu ini disampaikan sebelum Merdeka kepada rakyat-rakyat Melayu yang merupakan rakyat asal dan subjek kepada Raja-Raja Melayu.

Sebelum merdeka, kedaulatan negeri-negeri dan seterusnya negara adalah terletak di pada tangan Raja-Raja Melayu dan penjajah British hanya diberi kuasa untuk mentadbir.

Menurut dari Blog Pesan-Pesan, kuasa mentadbir British itu diperolehi melalui diplomasi ugutan (gunboat diplomacy) para-para kapitalis dan pedagang-pedagang British dan dilegitimasi melalui perjanjiian-perjanjian dengan Raja-raja Melayu.

Ada pihak berpendapat kemerdekaan adalah apabila Raja-Raja Melayu perkenan untuk mengalihkan kuasa-kuasa mutlak mereka kepada rakyat dalam hal-hal mentadbir negara melalui sistem demokrasi yang dinamakan Perlembagaan Beraja (Constitutional Monarchy).

Pihak istana terlibat dalam proses-proses perbincangan dan perundingan untuk Merdeka. Walaupun peralihan kuasa telah dilakukan, Raja-Raja Melayu masih mempunyai kuasa-kuasa tertentu.

Menurut dari Blog Pesan-Pesan lagi, atas kehendak Raja-Raja Melayu untuk mengekalkan kesinambungan sejarah, kedaulatan, dan kuasa politik Melayu (yang terletak pada raja-Raja Melayu) kepada kesinambungan kedaulatan negara yang terletak kepada Raja-Raja Melayu serta mendapat penerimaan rakyat (consensus) melalui wakil-wakil sah yang mempunyai locus standi, maka Perlembagaan Persekutuan mempunyai fasal-fasal tertentu (seperti tersebut dlm skrol di atas) memerlukan izin Majlis-Majlis Raja-Raja Melayu untuk sebarang pindaan perlembagaan Parlimen dibenarakan berkuatkuasa.

'Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu Kepada Rakyat' ini perlu difahami dari intipati kemerdekaan, bukan sekadar merdeka dari penjajah.

~~ Demi negara, yang tercinta.... Fahami lah

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pameran Kesultanan Perak (The Perak Sultanate Exhibition)

Today, i bump into an interesting title while walking in front of Galeri PETRONAS at KLCC..... -PAMERAN KESULTANAN PERAK (The Perak Sultanate Exhibition). A large image of 'Keris Taming Sari' that had catch my eyes which make me spend half and hour, reading and examine all the exhibit area..... 

Quite an impressive exhibit, even thought there is no 'Keris Taming Sari' being displayed. (but if not mistaken, there's a replica of the 'keris' being put as part of Royal Costume display). Its still a good exhibit with a lot of pictorial information dated back from Parameswara- founder of Malacca Sultanate.

One thing that attract me most is the 'Tujuh Wasiat Raja-Raja Melayu Kepada Rakyat' (The 7 Will of the Malay Rulers to the People)- a promise by all the Malay Rulers that were presented before the Independence to the Malay peoples as the original people and the subject of the Malay Rulers- which i'll detail it up in another posting....

The Perak Sultanate Exhibition start from 26 April 2012 until 24 June 2012. I highly recommended this exhibit for those who love Malaysian History.... especially the Malays

p/s: Last month, I've been given a task to propose a display area entitled -'The Art of Carving in Malay Weaponry' which include 'Keris Taming Sari' as the highlighted item.... till now I've no information on a proper handling of this well-known mystical 'keris'... hhmmmmm..... i've handled normal 'keris' display before- and its got a lot of do & don't... wait till i get my hand into 'Keris Taming Sari'..

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

15 Current Technologies A Child Born Today Will Never Use

This sound interesting......

15 Current Technologies A Child Born Today Will Never Use..... from now (that means in 2017??). I'll prepare the checklist of what will Taisha miss out... (so i'll keep them as vintage item... hehehe)

1)   - Wired Home Internet 
2)   - Dedicated Cameras and Camcorders
3)   - Landline Phones
4)   - Slow-Booting Computers
5)   - Windowed Operating Systems
6)   - Hard Drives
7)   - Movie Theaters
8)   - Mouse
9)   - 3D Glasses
10) - Remote Controls
11) - Desktops
12) - Phone Numbers
13) - Prime-time Television
14) - Fax Machines
15) - Optical Discs

Friday, May 11, 2012

Superman on Spidey....


Quite confusing when a prominent superhero, that had its own trademark- still depends on others superhero (even different publisher) iconic font for their promotion... Yes! I'm talking about Superman:The Black Ring Vol 1& 2.

Its on a hard cover compilation of Action Comics Series which come in 2 volume. In 2007, there's already an issue on why Spidey Font appear on PS3 body console... here's what i got;-

In an interview with Official PlayStation Magazine, the PlayStation 3′s designer –Teiyu Goto– revealed how the Spider-Man letter font came to be used on the PS3. To quote Goto-san: “Take the PS2 logo – we created it to blend in with the rectangular shape of the console. Personally, I feel very strongly that the logo would not have looked right on PS3.

If you really look at the PS3 contour carefully, it is rounded when viewing the console in profile. Rather than creating a typography with all the risks that entails, it was wiser to use the one from Spider-Man, for which Sony has the rights.

It was also the wish of President Kutaragi, who insisted that I use this typography. In fact, the logo was one of the first elements he decided on and the logo may have been the motivating force behind the shape of PS3.”

Shame on you Man of Steel.... Not a good move BTW....

Read more: Why the Spider-Man letter font was used on the PlayStation 3

Photos are owned by respective owner(s)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pekin & Robert Downey Jr. ~~ Kebetulannya sama....

Kebetulan GLAM Lelaki Mei & ESQUIRE Malaysia May - punyai pose cover yang lebih kurang sama..... dan mungkin kebetulan diletakkan bersebelahan..... Silent confrontation?

Pekin Ibrahim VS Robert Downey Jr.
Siapa punya aura lagi kuat?!...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

~Quote of the week~

Lama sudah aku tak posting 'Quote'. Dalam otak ni penuh dgn 'Qoute' sepanjang masa beredar.... jadi mengikut isu semasa, eloklah aku postingkan 'Qoute of the week' yang dah lama terbuku..

"Di antara kita (di Malaysia), bangsa Melayu memang terkenal dgn sifat rendah diri, sopan santun, utamakan tetamu, sehinggalah sifat komplesennya.... Sesetangah mula ambil mudah sifat2 baik ini.... Tapi Meriam-Webster & Wikipedia tahu yang 'Running Amok' itu memang sifat khas bangsa Melayu...... Silalah juga ambil tahu"

Yes, i say this!

aku yang sentiasa terasa Melayu ditindas di tanah airnya sendiri.... dan sekarang makin menjadi-jadi.... harap mereka dan melayu sendiri sedar....

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