For what i'm thinking of... what i'm doing... and what's inspire me... and this is how i see the world!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Apa Beza Theme-line, Tagline, Ad Tagline & Slogan

photo by Jurvetson

Sedang aku brainstorm Projek Pameran SDSI 2012, muncul masalah apa itu Tema, Tagline dan sebagainya... Akhirnya aku sendiri terpaksa membuat research tentang perkara-perkara tersebut...

Posting aku kali ini adalah lebih kepada reminder untuk diri sendiri (dan siapa yang berminat....) tentang apa itu Tema (Brand Theme line) & Tagline (Tagline, Ad Tagline dan Slogan).... Topik yang sedikit sebanyak ada kaitan dengan design proses, tapi lebih kepada dalam Marketing Communication....


"A brand theme-line is locked into the corporate logo and is designed as part of the mark. Its usage, placement, color, font choice, and size are all spelled out in the corporate identity standards manual and the logo should never appear without it.

A brand theme-line is forever. It needs to be refreshed to take advantage of sea changes in the market space but it is a strategic element to the brand’s success and promise."


"An advertising tag line is a tactical element that is designed to dimensionalize the brand’s benefit in a specific advertising campaign. It changes regularly (although more often than it should) to reflect the newness of a campaign. Most often, the advertising tag line is a benefit statement. 

The Brand theme-line is a permanent equity."


"A tagline is a brief phrase that will help the corporation be well known in its industry for years to come. The main purpose of taglines is to help the organization market its products or services to a certain demographic. It also briefly states what the organization’s goals are for the product."


"Slogans are only used in certain advertising and marketing campaigns that an organization decides to take part in. The slogan changes all the time so that the slogan can be current and resonate well with consumers. Some slogans might make the consumer feel safe and include phrases such as; we put our customers first or customer satisfaction guaranteed.

Both slogans and taglines are approximately a sentence long but both need to be well thought out and concise. If you are marketing a product then it is essential to understand your business identity and make it evolve over time."

short article of ;
TAGLINE & SLOGAN was taken from The Business Identity Factory
BRAND THEME-LINE & AD TAGLINE was taken from Stealing Share

So.. let's get the work done!

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